September 14, 2010


Some cool stuff that I looked up quickly... and I'm not an expert, but thought these were interesting comparisons that we talked about in class.
The first conversation was about Chestnuts, where one of my teachers did not know that some can by poisonous. This is the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) which is native to Europe.

The next is the Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) which is native to China and is (surprisingly) edible.

The last one is the Sweet chestnut (
Castanea sativa) which native to Europe and Asia Minor and has edible nuts. Think chestnuts roasting on an open fire.

Then there are also other plants that have the name 'chestnut' but are not related (like the horse chestnut).

So it seems to me that the pictures that I downloaded from Wikepedia (mostly) of these chestnuts make me believe that the mollissima and sativa are very similar looking. Mmmm Chestnuts...

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